Title Search

Title Search


No. 1 of article 23 of Law no. 58/2019, of August 8, allows the processing of personal data by public entities for purposes other than those determined by the collection, the which must be exceptional, and justified by reasons of public interest, the pursuit of which could not be pursued in any other way. According to the GDPR, data protection is not a right absolute right, under the terms of recital (4), "the processing of personal data is designed to serve people, not being an absolute right, that is, it must be read taking into account its function in society, and must be balanced with other fundamental rights , in accordance with the principle of proportionality'. The attribution of a Professional Title is instructed with various information consisting of elements that inform the identification of the candidate that can be subsumed under the provisions of the RGPD, with the consequent guarantees of protection, mainly with regard to biographical data.
Em In accordance with the aforementioned, the information resulting from the research carried out will be whether you hold a Professional Title – Sports Coach (Modality and Degree), Technical Director and/or Physical Exercise Technician.
Only Professional Titles assets allow the exercise of the corresponding function. The inactive Professional Titles do not allow the exercise of the profession, in accordance with the legislation in force.

(*) - Fields marked with asterisk are required.